C08.32 Sustainability of Rural Systems

Session: Sustainability of Rural Systems in Localities and Regions

Chair(s): Ana Maria Firmino & Ana Maria Bicalho

The aim of the session is to understand the interaction of sustainable development with strengthening rural communities and the role of local actors and institutions in changing agricultural systems, rural functions, land use patterns and governance processes.                                                                                           
The session will deal with the topics:  

  1. Consumer markets, quality products, aggregated value and rural sustainability.
  2. Multi-functionality and socio-economic opportunity in the countryside.
  3. Rural-urban interaction and competition for land and resources
  4. Social networks, scales of connectivity and governance.

Timeslots: 2

Sustainability of Rural Systems in Global Economic and Environmental Issues

Chair(s): Doo-Chul Kim & Scott Hoefle

The aim of the session is to promote discussion concerning the global context of rural systems in various regions of the world, focussing on the economic and environmental international issues linked to local processes of rural society and agricultural production.
The session will deal with the topics:

  1. Agribusiness, commodity markets and challenges for rural sustainability.
  2. Agriculture devoted to industry and energy competing with food production.
  3. New functions of rural space for environmental services in the global green economy.
Timeslots: 2